Projekt – Kościół i Centrum Językowe “Logos” – UPDATE


If you read our newsletters, you know that we have outgrown our current rental space for our church and language school and are currently building a new ministry center. If God wills we would like to move into the new building next June (2019), but that means A LOT of work to be done between now and then.


I was at the site this week and volunteer worker mentioned that sometimes they have to adjust the normal order of events based on which materials and skilled laborers are available at the time.


One of the men in our church (we call him Z.B.) has been graciously donating his free time to oversee the church building project. He just sent an update, and I want to share it with you so you get an idea of the situation.


Z.B. writes:

  1. Guest workers will insulate the roof: 2 Americans in late June, 2 Americans in late July, and some Filipinos in late August.


  1. Roof: One of our Polish church members and a Filipino friend of our co-workers are finishing the roof.


  1. Two men from Ukraine will come soon and finish the peaks and build a chimney.


  1. Seven men from our church installed the first floor windows themselves last Saturday, thus saving over $800.


  1. Three men from our church have already started doing the electrical work.


  1. Two teens from our church will help set up the WiFi points.


So as you can see, our church people are doing all they can on this building. They and others are giving $acrificially. Men from around the world are donating time and skills for this work, and Z.B. has done a great job saving money wherever possible on both labor and materials.


We consider it our role to help with the fundraising. A big THANK YOU to those who have contributed. By God’s grace and with the help of His people this building is going up for His glory!

Lubin Church Building Project Update

Step by step – Brick by brickWhat a privilege to have a front row seat to view what God is orchestrating here in Lubin, Poland. Not only is He adding people to His flock, but He preparing a place for them to meet in the future. One by one, God is drawing people to Himself. Two believers were baptized this spring, and three people came to Christ over the summer. Praise God! That may not sound like much to you, but in this culture, it’s remarkable.

The building is an amazing story in itself. As you may recall, God practically GAVE us the land for the building. Even then, it was a big step of faith for a small congregation. Sure we could afford the land, but we definitely didn’t have the money for the construction. Sensing God’s leading, we started making plans. Since then, we have watched Him provide again and again, from the digging of the foundation to the completion of the walls. The local believers are giving sacrificially and friends from other countries have helped as well, giving time and money.

Our goal is to enclose the building before winter. That means adding the roof and the windows. But we will continue to build only as we have funds, and right now we are out of money. In order to finish this stage, we need $32,700. Here is a breakdown of this amount:

Breakdown of costs 2017
Here are the latest figures for what is needed to enclose the building before winter. Thanks for praying about what you can do.

74,000 zł ($20,881.61) – For the wood frame and roof
27,000 zł ($7,618.96 ) – Windows in the social part (24 windows @ $317.46)
15,000 zł ($4,232.75) – Windows for the auditorium (9
windows @ $470 including electric shades)

Perhaps you would like to purchase a window or two? God has used His people to provide in the past, and we are confident that He will continue to do so. Won’t you pray about what He would like YOU to do?

Bruce & Linda Thomas

Please follow this link to donate: Give


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   Phone:  US:  574.830.1260

Polska:  790.267.740

   On-line giving in the US:  World Venture

   Giving in Poland:  

Konto Bankowe:

Numer rachunku odbiorcy: 91 1090 2082 0000 0001 0462 7671

Projekt (Budynek  Kościoła)

Numery Kont:

PLN:  87 1090 2112 0000 0001 1841 1426

EUR:  44 1090 2112 0000 0001 1841 2588

USD:  43 1090 2112 0000 0001 1841 2606

   Bank Zachodni WBK S.A.

   2 Oddział w Głogowie

   ul. Obrońców Pokoju 12, 67-200 Głogów


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